20th Century art movement changed forever the way we view modern art.
For the first time, artists achieved superstar status by bringing famous paintings into people's lives. While 20th century art began in the late 19th century with the Modernist movement, spreading to Fauvism, which started in France, and the Bridge, Die Brucke, originating in Germany. A tremendous outpouring of artistic styles was born from these movements, known collectively as Modern Art.
Major styles and movements are Fauvism, Cubism, Futurism, Dada, Surrealism, Abstract Art, Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art, Minimalism, Conceptual Art, Photorealism, and Neo-Expressionism. Famous 20th century artists include Wassily Kandinsky, Edward Hopper, and Henri Matisse. Gustav Klimt paintings and art by Rene Magritte are popular paintings. Mark Rothko's color field paintings represent one of the most significant innovations of 1950s art.
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