After 20 years of selling oil painting reproductions and particularly reproductions of famous paintings we have finally created our list of Top 50 Most Famous Paintings of all time. It has proved a challenging task but we have attempted to provide a listing which reflects not only those paintings which are universally accepted as the most famous paintings in the world but also oil paintings which have captivated the viewer and are central to the history of art.
Of course, our top ten most famous paintings feature those which are familiar to us all. At the top of the list has to be Leonardo da Vinci’s The Mona Lisa oil painting which is held at the Louvre in Paris. The Mona Lisa original painting is just 77 x 53cm (30 x 20 7/8”) in size, but we have recently recreated a fine art reproduction oil painting in a much larger size, completed with an aged craquelure finish. The painting made a stunning statement in an ultra-modern apartment and oversized paintings on canvas are a great way of giving your room a central focal point.
Vincent van Gogh’s Starry Night is at the top of the list of most famous paintings in the world. Our art reproduction on canvas of Starry Night is an oil painting which we have recreated very many times. Our Vincent van Gogh Starry Night reproduction utilizes a heavy impasto technique which with its thick texture and large very visible brushstrokes is just like the original. Also included in our list is the van Gogh almond blossom canvas Van Gogh Branches with Almond Blossom 1890.
Included in in our top ten most famous paintings is the Johannes Vermeer oil painting Girl with a Pearl Earring but how can any list be complete without Gustav Klimt’s The Kiss which has to be one of the most famous romantic paintings. Our Gustav Klimt The Kiss reproduction oil painting is painstakingly created by our specialist artist using gold and silver leaf. This stunning Klimt oil painting is a perennial favorite.
Whilst many Childe Hassam paintings are famous, Avenue in the Rain 1917 forms part of the White House Collection and was favored by President Obama who displayed it in the Oval Office. If we were to create a separate list of famous patriotic paintings, then Liberty leading the People by Eugene Delacroix would undoubtedly feature.
Buying art online has never been easier. We have an extensive and varied catalog of oil painting reproductions for sale to suit any discerning art lover. All of our fine art reproductions on canvas are executed with exacting skill by one of our experienced professional artists, many of whom have been with us since we started our first Gallery 20 years ago. We do not buy-in art from outside sources. All of our oil reproductions are created in our own Studio thus allowing us to control quality at every stage of the process.
We do not believe we can be beaten for quality and price. Why not take a moment to read some of our reviews and testimonials? We are happy to let our customers from all over the world tell you about their enjoyable online shopping experience.
Our experienced staff is always available to assist you with your purchase. If you are uncertain about the size to order, or would like help with your final selection of oil paintings, then please do contact us so that we can share our wealth of knowledge with you.
We understand that buying a fine art reproduction oil painting is an important purchase and members of our knowledgeable team can provide professional advice to ensure that you will treasure and enjoy your favorite painting for many years.