We guarantee the quality of all our standard catalogue paintings. We are meticulous in our attention to detail. Each painting is checked at least 5 times during the preparation process and finally again before it is dispatched.
The first inspection takes place when the canvas has been primed and the painting is sketched. At this stage we check to make sure that there are no flaws in the canvas and that the sketch is to scale.
The second inspection takes place when the first stage of applying paint to canvas commences. This stage provides the foundation for the finished painting.
The third inspection takes place when the outline of the structure of the painting is complete. At this stage "scale" and "color" are important and these areas are given particular attention.
The fourth stage is when the painting is complete. At this stage the texture, brushstroke and minute detail and special features of the original work of art are checked and if necessary changes are made until we are confident that the painting is ready to be dispatched to you.
Finally, when your painting is packed it is checked thoroughly again to ensure that it is clean and dry for shipping, so that it reaches you in perfect condition.